










任福継,宮永喜一,栃内香次、日中常用文型機械翻訳システム、電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J74D-II, No.8,pp.1060-1069 ,1991


任福継,范莉馨,宮永喜一,栃内香次、家族モデルを用いた文の分解に基づく日中機械翻訳システム、情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.32,No. 10, pp.1249-1258 ,1991


   任福継,宮永喜一,栃内香次、意味属性による補助語の推定アルゴリズム、情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.32, No. 11, pp.1374-1382,1991


   范莉馨,任福継,宮永喜一,栃内香次、中日機械翻訳における複合語の自動合成、 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.33,No.9,pp.1103-1113,1992


   Fuji Ren、On Reservable Structural Ambiguities in Logically Parallel Translation SystemComputational Linguistics, pp.256-261,1993






Fuji Ren, Hongming Ma、A Robust Machine Translation System Based on Multi-Processes、Communications of COLIPS Vol.7,No.1,pp.17-26,1997


Fuji Ren, Youliang Jane, Hongtao Chang, ZhengYang Ma、Automatic Acquisition of Machine Translation Rule from Parallel Corpora、Communications of COLIPS, Vol. 8, No.1,pp43-69,1998


Fuji Ren, Lixin Fan, Jian-Yun Nie、On Rule Extraction from Translation Examples in Machine Translation、Communications of COLIPS,Vol.9, No.1, pp.19-39,1999


Fuji Ren, Jiannyun Nie、The Concept of Sensitive Word in Chinese - Survey in a Machine-Readable Dictionary、Journal of Natural Language Processing,Vol. 6, No.1,pp.59-78,1999


Jian-Yun Nie, Fuji Ren、Chinese Information Retrieval: Using Characters or Words?、Information Processing and Management,Vol.35, No.4,PP.443-462,1999


Fuji Ren、Super-Function Based Machine Translation、Communications of COLIPS,Vol.9, No.1, pp.83-100,1999


Qiang Zhou, Fuji Ren、」Acquisitions and Applications of Structure Preference Relations in Chinese、Natural Language Engineering, Vol.6, No.2, pp.163-181,2000


Fuji Ren, Shigang Li、Dialogue Machine Translation based upon Parallel Translation Engines and Face Image Processing、INFORMATION,Vol.3,No.4, pp.521-531, 2000


Fuji Ren 、A Hybird Approach of Text Segmentation Based on Sensitive Word Concept for NLP、Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Ed. Alexander Gelbukh, Springer, LNCS 2004, pp.375-388, 2001.


Fuji Ren, Lixin Fan, Translation Rule and Empirical Knowledge in Machine Translation, International journal of INFORMATION, vol.5, No.1, pp.81-91, 2002


Hongchi Shi, Yunxin Zhao, Xinhua Zhuang, Fuji Ren, GAM:A General Auto-associative Memory Model、IEICE Trans.INF & SYST., Vol.E85-D, No.7, pp.1153-1164, 2002.


Fuji Ren, Shingo Kuroiwa、」Some Advances on Multi-Lingual Multi-Function Multi-Media Intelligent System Project、International Journal of Asian Information-Science-Life, Vol.1, No.1, pp.83-92, 2002


Fuji Ren, Hongchi Shi、Dialogue machine translation using multiple translation processors、International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, , Vol.1, No.2, PP.349-366, 2002


Fuji Ren, Shunji Mitsuyoshi、Machine-Aided Writing Function in MMM Project、IEEE International Symposium on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering,pp.1-8,2002


台暁英,獅々堀正幹,任福継,北研二、長期的適合性フィードバックによるベクトル空間モデルの精度改善、Information, Vol.5, No.2, pp.255-265, 2002.


Fuji Ren, Shunji Mitsuyoshi, Kang Yen, Chengqing Zong, Hongbing Zhu, An Estimate Method of the Minimum Entropy of Natural Languages, Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Ed. Alexander Gelbukh, Springer, LNCS2588, pp. 382-392, 2003


Chengqing Zong, Fuji Ren, Chinese Utterance Segmentation in Spoken Language Translation, Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Ed. Alexander Gelbukh, Springer, LNCS2588, pp. 516-525, 2003


Fuji Ren, Shigang Li, Automatic Derivation of Programming Using Domain Knowledge, INFORMATION, Vol.6, No.2, pp.179-186,2003


Tai Xiaoying, Fuji Ren, Kenji Kita, Improvement of vector space information retrieval by using long-term relevance feedback, International Journal of Asian Information-Science-Life, Vol.2, No.1,pp.83-96, 2003


Fuji Ren, Shunji Mitsuyoshi, To Understand and Create the Emotion and Sensitivity, International Journal of Information, Vol.6, No.5, pp.547-556, 2003


Manabu Sasayama, Fuji Ren, Shingo Kuroiwa, Super-Function Based Japanese-English Machine Translation, IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, pp.555-560,2003


Taihao Li, Fuji Ren, Machine Translation method using super-function for Mobile, IEEE International Conference on System, Man & Cybernetics, pp.1693-1698,2003


Mohamed Abdel Fattah, Fuji Ren, Kuroiwa Shingo, Adaptive Threshold Parameters for Bilingual Dictionary Extraction from the Internet Archive, International Journal of Information, Vol.8 No.1, pp.165-176, 2005


Xiaojie Wang, Fuji Ren, Chinese-Japanese Clause Alignment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3406, pp.400-412, 2005


Haiqing Hu, Fuji Ren, Shingo Kuroiwa, Chinese Automatic Question Answering System for Sightseeing Tpurists, International Journai of Information, Vol.8, No.1, pp.177-186, 2005


Fuji Ren, An Algorithm for Determining DingYu Structural Particle DE, Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 2945, Ed. Alexander Gelbukh, Springer, pp.338-349, 2004


Xin Zhao, Fuji Ren, Stefan Vob, A Super-Function Based Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation System for Business Users, Machine Translation From Real Users to Research, Eds. Robert E.Frederking, Kathryn B. Taylor, Springer, LNAI 3265, pp.272-281, 2004


胡海青,任福継,黒岩眞吾,ベクトル空間モデルに基づく特定領域向け中国語質問応答システムの構築,電子学会論文誌 , Vol,125, No.5, pp.698-706, 2005


Fuji Ren, Automatic Extraction of Important Sentences using Statistical Information and Structural Features, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making,Vol.4, No.1, pp.141-152, 2005


Xin Zhao, Fuji Ren, Shingo Kuroiwa, Automatic Translation of Compound Nouns in the Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation System SFBMT, International Journal of Information, Vol.8 No.3, pp.405-413, 2005





A-1 Laboratory




Department of Information Science and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokushima











